- Wear clothes that fit you properly
- Wear clothes that bring on the strong points of your body and hides the ones that you like the least.
We all have different shapes and sizes and need different size and shape clothes.
- Put some effort in your skin if needed , get some nice cream...Don't see it as a task , sit down and have it as a time to pamper yourself . Maybe with some music ? Singing , having me time .
- Have as many nail polish colours as you like . Who said you can have to many colours? I got like a full bag of them <3
- Buy shoes ! essential ! Don't be afraid to get them non-flat , if you can't walk in hills or don't find them comfortable , you can try wearing platforms , there is no need to wear them everyday tho . As you feel , you do .
- If you don't like your hair , change it ! There is a style for everyone.
- Look online for inspiration and think if it would look good on you , and if you want it .
- Buy new clothes from time to time.
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